Friday, April 11, 2014

Signs that spring is definitely here

The laundry is piling up because we're all outside playing.

Annoyed housecats.

 Weeds poking up through the landscaping

 Little sandy handprints

 Toes buried in sand

 Determined hunter released from the house

 New catnip shoots dug up by the determined hunter

 Housecat has moved from annoyance to begging.  So hard to resist that little face!

 Marty smugly rolling in the sun on the patio, right in front of the poor housecats.

 School becomes more about architecture and less about books.

 Filling buckets at the creek

 Finding litter floating down the creek

Rescuing litter
 The hose gets reattached after a long winter in the basement and finds its way to the trampoline.

Noah pretends to pee with the hose.

 Marty in her "condo"

 History and Bible classes outside

 Picnic lunch on the trampoline

1 comment:

mike said...

Looks lovely! Wish i was there.