Monday, August 29, 2011


I dreamed a recipe for the first time!  It was pretty cool, except I can't make it because two of the ingredients are not real.  Anyway, here it is:

Dice some peaches and poach them in blackberry water and donna extract.  Let them cool, mix in some flour, and form them into balls. Then roll them in toasted coconut.

I also dreamed that I was in the ocean, and the waves were huge, and I was leaping up really high out of the water with dolphins.  I could even feel my stomach drop as I dove back into the waves.  I did dolphin jumps for a long time.  It was so exhilarating!  My BFF had a dream that her sister was swimming backwards like a dolphin on its tail on top of the water.  Maybe we should swim with dolphins together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tim has really weird dreams, too. Mixing up all different parts of his life in one dream.
