Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Adjusting expectations

The list of things to do after a long weekend is usually pretty long, as I feel we have to catch up on lots of things.  Today's list was huge:

CBS homework
piano practice
post office
clean kitchen floor
clean litter box
clean rooms
wash dishes

By lunchtime, the kids had crossed off nothing, and I had spent the majority of the morning washing dishes and snuggling with kids.  They were in one of those rare moods where they can't get enough of each other and just want to play together.  I was close to interrupting them several times to get busy on the list, but I just couldn't do it.  They were playing so happily, and that seemed more important than crossing off anything on the list.  They even shared a bowl of cereal and are planning a sleepover in Sarah's room tonight.

During lunch, we had a discussion about how the afternoon was going to go.  I told them I was going to postpone my library and post office errands, and that they could skip typing, cursive, and possibly spelling, but they absolutely had to clean their rooms, since Daddy put that one on the list.  The kitchen floor couldn't be put off any longer, so I did that while they cleaned.  The litterbox is done, and we have to do CBS homework and the visitation.  I'd like to get math in somewhere and a short piano practice, but we might end up reading a few chapters of our current book instead.  Flexibility is one of my favorite benefits of homeschooling!

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