Friday, January 17, 2014

A day in the life

It's been a long time since I've done one of these, so here it is.
8:20 a.m. Sarah bounds out of bed and wants to make cupcakes.  I suggest the lemon tea cake that I just saw on Food Network.  She's super excited about that and wants to have a tea party with her friends.  I tell her that we'll have a tea party with Noah when he wakes up. 
8:30 a.m. Sarah eats breakfast (cantaloupe and cereal) while I give the cats their morning treat.  Today it's cantaloupe for the younger two and tuna for Marty (she doesn't like cantaloupe). 
9:00 a.m.  Sarah and I are zesting and juicing lemons for the tea cake.  We mix it up and put it in the oven.  Sarah makes raspberry tea.  We make some bracelets for her friends on her new rainbow loom. 
10:00 a.m.  Sarah wakes Noah and invites him to a tea party.  He grumbles a little.  She mentions the cake.  He comes bounding into the kitchen. We have tea and cake and make up songs about the cats. 
10:45 a.m.  Noah helps me clean up the kitchen, because he wants to play Flick Football with me on the table.  We start flicking quarters, and Sarah goes downstairs to make a goal post for us. 
11:30 a.m.  The kids want to pretend to be scientists in the tub.  I convince them to do spelling first.  After spelling, they head for the tub with legos, a mini muffin tin, some cups and spoons, vinegar, and baking soda. They ask me for rotini, which somehow has become a tradition every time they take a bath.  I cook some rotini and deliver it to the tub, where they eat it. 
12:30 p.m.  Sarah starts a load of laundry, including the towels that somehow got soaked during science/tub time.  She says, "Wouldn't it be cool if the washer and dryer had ringtones instead of that terrible buzzing?"  Noah cleans the bathroom.  I give them green peppers and apples to round out their rotini and call it lunch. 
1:15 p.m.  I start dinner preparations.  The kids quickly figure out that I'm making chili, and they both want to help. We all love to make chili.  Noah opens the cans of beans and tomatoes, while Sarah peels garlic and onions, while I cook the ground turkey.  We dump everything in a pot, add some spices, and turn on the heat.
2:00 p.m.  Noah needs to practice piano, so I ask him if he wants to call Nana & Papa and play a duet for them.  We play "The Mermaid" and they ooh and ahh.  We do a video chat with Grandma and Grandpa. The kids practice their forms and techniques for Kuk Sool Won, and Sarah does some gymnastics.
2:30 p.m.  Kids are doing math, and I am folding laundry. Noah watches the cats stretching and going back to sleep, and he laments, "I wish I was a cat and could sleep all day and not do any work."  Sarah reminds him that he would have to eat dry cat food, and he decides he doesn't want to be a cat anymore.
3:20 p.m.  We do our online Life Skills class. Today it's about playground etiquette.  Not the greatest, but still good.     
3:30 p.m.  I read our Bible lesson for CBS and then a chapter of our read-aloud book, which is currently "The Great Brain" series by John D. Fitzgerald.
4:15 p.m. Quiet time. It's later than usual today, but definitely a must.  Kids are finishing math and CBS, and I am blogging and snuggling with Shiloh.  Soon Mike will be home and we'll eat chili, and the neighbor kid will probably come over and want to play  Minecraft with Noah.  It's Friday night, so nowhere we have to go.  Will probably play, hang out, watch something, eat. We'll pray at about 9:00, and kids will go to their rooms.  Sarah will get in her bed and do something crafty or play with her dolls till about 10:00. Noah will read till about midnight.  

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