Sunday, August 22, 2010


I'm so proud of Sarah today, because she was short-order breakfast cook for all of us, all by her little six-year-old self!  She wrote out a menu (we definitely need to work on spelling and writing!), took orders, cooked the food, and served it. 

I'm not sure Noah knew which box he was checking on the menu, but he ordered buttered toast ("BUDRD TOST"), and he also asked for crackers on the side.  Sarah delivered him a plate with four crackers on it, and a piece of toast with a tiny dot of butter in the middle.  When the customer complained, she said, "Well, you had too much butter yesterday on your movie popcorn, so you have to cut back today." Gotta love a server who is that concerned about your health!

I ordered the "SPESHL", which was jam on "TOST".  It was very good, although there was not a lot of jam, nor was it evenly spread.  It was delivered on a big pizza pan, so the presentation was pretty spectacular.

Mike ordered egg on "TOST" with "CHEZ".  His was the most impressive.  She cooked the egg in the microwave, centered it beautifully on the toast, and sprinkled it all with a liberal dose of shredded cheddar.  

Of course, the kitchen was a total mess, but she did a really good job making breakfast. 

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