Saturday, August 28, 2010


A friend recently sent me a link to a homeschooler's blog.  This woman posted pictures of her school areas, showing a ridiculously unattainable amount of organization, and my friend and I agreed that it was a little depressing to look at the pictures.  My mom claims that a person has to be very organized in order to homeschool.  I am living proof that any cluttery person can do it. 

So, in contrast to Mrs. Incredibly Organized's blog, here are pictures of just a few of our "school areas":
This is probably the most organized area.  It's the living room couch where we have devotions every morning.  The books just stay lumped on there all the time, and sometimes the cushions are askew or missing. 

Sometimes we play dictionary detective in this lovely section of the living room.  The vacuum is sitting there to remind me that we really need to vacuum.  It's been sitting there all week.

This is our most used school area.  We call it the art center.  The drawers are full of arts/crafts/school supplies, and whatever we're working on is usually piled on top.  It's right next to the kitchen table, so when we're eating, we're usually involved in some of that pile of stuff.  I've organized it before, but it doesn't stay that way.

This is next to the bed where bedtime books are read.  It's usually a mess.  This concludes the tour of the disorganized homeschool. 


Laura Carlson said...

Thank you!! I feel better already as this is very similar to our home school house. :-)
You are a true friend!

Jo said...

Looks like our house used to look (and still looks sometimes). Ah, those were good times. :-)