Thursday, August 22, 2013

Good example

Having parents who are not only still married but also still love each other is a great heritage, and I'm thankful for it.  They went hiking in Colorado yesterday.  My mom is an exercise fanatic, and my dad is just a normal human, so they didn't hike together.  (Even when I was a kid and we hiked in Colorado on our family vacations, my mom and my brother would take off without my dad and me, because we were so slow.  We would hike for ten minutes and then rest for five, or was it the other way around?  Anyway, there was a lot of resting.)  He started back before she did, but he knew that she would be coming back the same way, so he made something for her in the middle of the trail.
When she saw it, she took pictures of it but never suspected that Dad had made it or that it was for her.  He's almost 80 years old, but once in awhile he still does sweet, romantic things like that. My in-laws are also still married and still love each other.  What a blessing!

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