Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Day 104

Going to the dentist is a whole different experience than it was pre-COVID.
I parked outside the office, called the office to ask for permission to enter, and was told that  we could come in with masks and sit on the bench in the hall outside the office, because the lobby was full (meaning there were already two people in there).

Sarah got called almost immediately, but by the time I got called 30 minutes later,
 the lobby was empty. 

Instead of the old man dentist I've been seeing for years, I got a new young cute one.  He peered into my mouth and said, "I wish I could replicate you."  Nobody has ever said that to me before!  He said he wished I would give some of his other patients tips on brushing and flossing.  I said, "They wouldn't listen.  My own children don't.  You'll see my son at 4:00."  He said, "Oh, you can bring him in sooner than that."   I thought that was weird and said, "Well, he's bringing himself, and it's already 3:15..."  He said, "Oooohhhh, you mean he has an appointment at 4:00?  I thought you meant you were going to bring him in when he turned 4 years old."  

There's some debate about whether we're going on the Epic Road Trip.  Mike said he doesn't want to go if only half of Glacier National Park is open, but I have a bad feeling that things are going to get worse, especially around election time, and who knows if we'll ever be able to go anywhere again?  So I just want to go and see whatever we can see.  They can't shut down the beauty of the entire West. Surely we'll see something.

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