Monday, June 1, 2020

Day 77

Just worked and caught up on stuff I neglected yesterday.  Took the van to get brakes fixed.  Walked over to pick it up and did a grocery run for the in-laws.  Police cars stationed outside Walmart and Kroger, because there's been rioting and looting all over the country (even around here) to protest the unjust death of George Floyd.  It was a horrible, inexcusable death, but I don't understand how setting fires and stealing stuff makes it better. The world feels scary and crazy, but I know God has it all under control and knows what He's doing.

Noah posted this on his Instagram account:
Don’t know about y’all, but it feels like every time I turn on the tv, open my phone, or go into the world all I find is fear, anger, hate, depression, racism, selfishness, chaos, laziness, and hopelessness. Everyone is so quick to find a reason to give up and lose hope and fall into despair and fail to see the things that they can do to build up the people around them instead of adding to the mess this year has become. I’m not saying that it’s easy (actually I am) or that you’re always going to want to, but try do something for someone other than yourself. Whether it’s reaching out and checking on someone you haven’t talked to in a long time, paying for the person behind you at the drive through, or over tipping your delivery driver taking the focus off yourself and trying help others and showing love to others whenever possible will not only brighten that person’s day but yours also. I love you all, can’t wait to see you soon❤️

I'm amazed at the man he's become, and so proud to call him my son.

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