Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Day 79

Noah was getting ready for his first day at his new job, when his boss texted him at 4:45 a.m. and said they weren't working today because of the storms forecasted for Champaign.  I was relieved.  He was a little disappointed, but he'll just start tomorrow instead.

Mike's vacation is definitely over.  He's on a long stressful journey to Pekin with the kids.  Sarah is testing for her driver's license, and the DMV just reopened, so it will be packed.  Noah is looking at a truck he wants to buy.  He took a stack of thank you notes to write during the long wait at the DMV. The last thing I heard Mike say as they went out the door was, "Does everybody have a mask?"  Still so weird to have to think about that.

For me, it's just sweet, quiet peace at home alone with the cats for the first time in months.  I'm cherishing it.

Well, they're back.  Sarah failed her driving test, because she stopped with her back end on railroad tracks and rolled a stop sign.  Mike says it is now my turn to wait outside the DMV for hours with her when she retakes the test. I don't look forward to that.  Noah didn't buy the truck.  He only wrote one thank you note.  Not a great trip for anyone.

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