Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day 89

After the disappointing truck news last night, I told Noah that that must not have been the right one for him and that I was sure God would provide him an even better one, because that kid has always been blessed.  Then Mike and I went for a long walk and ended up at the new Monarch Park, which is just gorgeous and romantic and peaceful.  We were gone a long time, and by the time we got home, Noah had found another truck.  It's an hour closer and has 40,000 fewer miles, less rust, is the same price as the other one, Noah likes it better, and it has a bed cover!  They're going to get it on Sunday.  Noah said, "I was annoyed when you told me God was going to give me a better truck, but you were right again.  That's the third thing you've been right about in the last couple days!"
So today Mike is redoing the cashier's check made out to the first guy and having it made out to the new guy.  Noah is working with Grethey in Bloomington all morning and then he's doing landscaping for his solar boss all afternoon.  I'll be making food and packing for my trip, and I have a swimming appointment at 3:00.  Sarah will sleeping, eating sugar, and doing nothing.

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