Sunday, March 29, 2020

Day 14

It's very strange not to go to church on Sunday.  I worked a little this morning.  It's hard to find decent  jobs on the weekends, but I got a good one.

I gave Noah a haircut and threw the clippings out for the birds.  His hair is perfect nesting material.
I made turkey salad and another pot pie.

It boiled over in the oven, so that will be a mess for me to clean up after it cools.

Bouts of irritation occasionally flare up between certain people in the house and certain other people in the house, who shall remain nameless.  Mike has spent more time in the basement today.  I think he's building a nice little nest for himself down there.  I'm grateful that we have enough room in the house for each person to have a private space away from everyone else.  We all need that sometimes.  I'm going to play an online game of Scrabble with my friend Denise.

Did some laundry, made toffee bars, and went for a walk to counteract yesterday's slothfulness.  While I was out walking, I found a treasure:  a nest of duck eggs!
It was in a low bush a couple streets over.  I'm always on the lookout for nest activity, and this area struck me as a good place, so I peered in, and sure enough, there were about 10 eggs in there!  That made me ridiculously happy.  It almost makes up for not being able to pet dogs when I'm out for walks.  I miss petting dogs.  They always look so confused and sad, especially the ones that know me and are used to my petting.

President Trump today extended the time of quarantine until April 30, so we have more than a month of this to go.  It's not a complete quarantine unless you're sick.  We just can't gather in group of more than 10 and have to stay 6 feet away from people.  We're not supposed to shop for anything but essential supplies like food and medicine.  So churches, schools, gyms, restaurants will still be closed for a long time.  I feel safe, I'm not scared, and I don't really mind the isolation.

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