Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 16

There's a thing going around social media right now encouraging people to put greenery on their doors for Palm Sunday.  These are the examples I've seen:
I think Jesus is saying, "I love that.  It reflects my qualities of creativity and beauty."
And here's what I made:
to which I picture Jesus saying, "I love that just as much.  It reflects my qualities of grace and acceptance."

I visited the nest today and found that Mrs. Duck had laid yet another egg!  The nest is now absolutely crammed full of 12 eggs.

I saw a super friendly dog who was so desperate for me to pet him that he charged up and rammed his head under my hand.  I pulled my hand inside my sleeve and stroked his back once with the outside of my jacket, came home, washed, and petted my cats like crazy.

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