Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 3

Noah is working with Brad Lamprecht today, remodeling a house.
Sarah and I had a fun morning.  She listened while I read a picture book and devotional. We took personality tests and discussed our personality traits. Then we played Wii Fit until the battery died.  Haven't done that for a long time.

Noah got home, and the three of us cooked and had a nice chat. I played (and sang loudly) one of our old favorite VBS CDs, and nobody complained about it.  Noah said, "Hey, I remember that song!"  We had a few moments of silliness.

I did a little transcription work, and Sarah did a little school work.  We didn't accomplish a lot, but it was a good relational day.  I want them to remember a happy, normal-as-possible atmosphere during this time.

Tonight is our first virtual youth group meeting.  Hopefully all my youths will show up (online).

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