Monday, November 8, 2010

Wacky Monday

There's really nothing like starting off a Monday morning with the police at your front door.  It wasn't even 8:00 a.m. when the doorbell rang.  We were huddled in bed reading a book.  Since I was wearing my pajamas with feet, I sent a child to the door while I listened from the hallway.

Big booming voice: "Is your Mommy or Daddy home?"
No answer.  Running feet.  "Mom, it's the police!"  What? Police! No time to put clothes on.  I open the door, and sure enough, a big cop gives me a quick head-to-toe glance.  Sometimes I really wish I was one of those people that took a shower every morning and got dressed in normal clothes.  This is one of those times. 

Before my mind can even finish imagining one of my loved ones dead, he gets right to the point.  Our elderly neighbor was found wandering the streets with his walker, and the police just wondered if I had any contact information.

Whew. Think I'll get dressed now.


dave said...

HAHAHA! So the police ask for info about a confused elderly man from a woman in footy pajamas. That's classic!

Anonymous said...

What a great story!
I'm beginning to think the pj look is the "in" thing - I see it whenever I go shopping - maybe you're just making a fashion statement. ... well, maybe not the footies.
Seems our police have been busy lately. We recently had a big, loud knock on our front door at 5am. It was the police ... it was VERY unsettling. It's amazing how many things can run thru your mind in such a short time. The good news/bad news was that the newspaper boy/man had backed into our truck. I'm all for honesty and efficiency, but this was our only day to sleep in.
~ j