Friday, March 27, 2020

Day 12

Even the animals seem stir-crazy, which seems odd, because nothing has changed for them.  Maybe they can just sense the vibe.
Shadow walked around the house yowling like he does when he's about to do something weird.  Then he vaulted up to the top of the fridge!  He's really quite an athlete.  After stirring the dust around and enjoying the view from up there, he jumped straight down to the floor and landed very close to his sister, which caused her to fluff up in terror and go skidding down the hall, which caused him to chase her.  They chased each other all through the house for several minutes.  It was very entertaining!  

Today's breakfast of quarantined champions is a coffee cake, inspired by the bag of frozen mixed berries I found in the freezer and the granola I found in the pantry.
And for dinner, they'll be having a turkey from 2012, discovered during the Great Defrost.  
Update: The turkey has been cooking all day, and the whole house should smell like Thanksgiving by now, but instead, it smells oddly like strawberry oatmeal. I just had this conversation with Noah:
Me: What do you smell?
N: My fart.
M: What do you smell out in the world?
N: Fire?
M: No, what do you smell cooking in the crockpot?
N: Roast beef?
M: Yes, it's a turkey.
N: (in his "I'm trying to please you" voice) Mmm, smells good.

I got this sad email this afternoon:
Dear Janel Janes,
Here's a message from your organizer, Heather Berger, Co-Director/Music Director:
Hello, Big Fish Parents,
It is with very heavy hearts that our production team announced today that we must cancel the show. Your students were sent a video with a statement created by Mrs. Berger, Miss Isacksen, Sra. Zehr, Mr. Feleccia, and Mrs. Farwell. Please watch that statement with your child and be with them during this painful and utterly disappointing announcement. We, as directors, felt that canceling was the only option for the safety of our students and staff. We know that this is just one of many disappointments that we have all felt in the past 2 weeks. But we also know that this could hit some of our students the hardest. Please contact any of us if you need anything. We are here to help however we can. Thank you for your support of your children and of the MHS Theatre program. We appreciate your willingness to help in every production that we produce. Take care of those wonderfully talented kids of yours. Hug them tight. We love them!
Until we meet again,
Heather Berger, Sarah Isacksen, Vonda Zehr, Tony Feleccia, & Miki Farwell

I cried for a good five minutes, because I knew it was going to break Sarah's heart.  But she took it surprisingly well.  She tried to find something positive about it and said that at least now she'll have more time for track.  I dread the day that she finds out the whole track season is cancelled too.  I know it's coming.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2012? Oh boy.