Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 24

Shiloh started the day needing extra love, so I stayed in bed with her longer than I normally would.

The weather was supposed to be great all day until 4:00, so I told the kids to get outside and do something but be back inside by 4:00.  Noah went to Bloomington for allergy shots.  I got some work done.  Sarah didn't do much.  I asked them if they wanted to walk to the park with me and they said no, so I went by myself.  I found some of my favorite fuzzy things to pet on the way:
I made a soft nest of pine needles under a tree and asked God if He wanted to say anything to me.  He gave me a picture of a narrow gate in a high wall surrounding a wide open space.  He told me that once I passed through the gate, which was accepting Jesus as my savior, there were no barriers or fences between me and Him.  I thought about that until my mind started to wander, and all the sudden a little twig fell from the tree for no apparent reason and landed by my hand.
I studied it to see what the message could be, but it wasn't in the shape of a cross or anything, so I asked God what it meant.  He said it was just a tool to direct my attention back to Him.  So I lay there in my nest, gazing up at this tree, and pondering what God had told me.
Then I woke up totally confused, didn't know where I was or why I was wet.  The pile of fresh bird poop right next to my head reminded me that I was under a tree at the park. 
Then I realized I was wet because it was raining.  I checked the time, and sure enough, it was 4:00.  So I walked home in the rain, complete with thunder and lightning. 

We had youth group via Zoom. Shiloh is obsessed with Zoom. Whenever I'm in a Zoom meeting, she gets all up in my business, makes a commotion, blocks my view, and is just generally disruptive until she finally dozes off.

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