Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 36--the snit

I had to take our car to a mechanic's shop this morning.  It wasn't even 8:00 a.m. yet, but the place was hopping.  There were about 20 workers and 10 customers in there, all close together, only one wearing a mask.  I tried to keep my distance.  It was the biggest crowd I've been in for several weeks, and it felt uncomfortable and strange.  One of the workers sneezed.  The guy I handed my keys to wrote a tag to attach to the keyring. Then he stuck the tag in his mouth.  He handed me a pen to sign the form, but I didn't take it.  I signed with my own pen and got out of there.  As I walked home,  I was bothered by the lack of concern and violation of CDC guidelines and government recommendations.  I am not afraid of this virus.  I just think it's wise to follow the guidelines to prevent its spread, and it doesn't work if some people disregard them.  I was almost in a full snit, when a bird stopped me in my tracks.

He was perched on the edge of a parked car, staring at his reflection in the side mirror and getting all worked up at his perceived enemy.  He squawked and fluffed out his feathers and jammed his beak into the mirror repeatedly. I told him, "You're all upset over nothing and only hurting yourself."  When I heard myself say it out loud, I wondered, does that apply to me in my situation as well?

As I kept walking, I thought, no, it's not the same thing.  The virus is real.  I'm not attacking a figment of my imagination.  I'm not attacking anything.  I'm just trying to be cautious.  I've seen churches go ahead with their gatherings because they believe God is going to protect them.  The news showed one of those churches who blatantly disregarded the governor's orders, and several members of the congregation and the pastor died from the virus. Is that a good witness for God?  God wants us to trust Him but also to obey our leaders.

I'm not afraid of getting hit by a car every time I cross the street, but I still look both ways before I step off the curb.  I don't dwell in fear of getting robbed or killed in my sleep, but I lock the door before I go to bed.

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