Friday, April 10, 2020

Day 26

4:00 a.m. I'm sound asleep, woken by a cat puking right next to my head. I had the 5-seconds-of-retching warning that cats always give, but by the time I was conscious enough to realize that the bed was lurching, the pile of disgustingness had already landed.  Obviously I cleaned that up and washed my hands but I still felt dirty, so I brushed my teeth for good measure.  Wide awake now, so I'm pondering why my head has become a target for the waste products of animals.  The bird poop incident was just two days ago, and now this. Thankfully they both missed by inches. Watching the news about the climbing the coronavirus deaths.  They say we're almost at the peak, and then the numbers should start going down.

We've had a big, fat possum named Pam visiting our patio every night.  I've been feeding her.  Apparently she eats anything and everything, from rodents to vegetables to garbage. 

 While I was researching online about possums, I came across this line: opossums protect themselves by emitting a foul, rotten smell from their anus while playing dead, often for as long as 45 minutes.  Mike does the same thing every Saturday and Sunday afternoon.

I spent much of the morning working on school with Noah.  I also made a little cooking video on Facebook. 

Just learned that the Kuk Sool Won seminar where the Grand Master was to present Noah with his second degree black belt has been cancelled. So now, Noah will take a virtual test and pick up his belt in a drive-through fashion at the school.  Nine years of training, literally half of his life, now culminating in a drive-by pickup.

Jeff came over and he and Mike went for a ride on their motorcycles. Noah is putting the battery in the mower, mowing, talking about going to Farm 'n Fleet for a part, finding something in the garage that will work instead, fixing the mower like a full-grown man, and mowing again.  I'm impressed.  He's become just like his dad and grandpa.

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