Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 31

Noah's last day of  Kuk Sool Won private tutoring. Lots of screams of pain from Sarah.
 I went for a walk and didn't see many people because it was cold out there.  I did see my friend Linda Yoder and we gave each other very unsatisfying air hugs.  I also saw this.
I assume they meant exactly the opposite of what they wrote.  I used this as a demonstration of how powerful a little comma can be.  The difference between "Please leave COVID-19" and "Please leave, COVID-19" is huge. And assuming the message was supposed to be addressed directly to the disease, perhaps we're being a little too polite by using the word "please".

Kathy is coming to stay at her parents' today, so I made soup and cookies and delivered them to their porch.  Sat and watched geese on the way home.  I would hate to be quarantined in a world without birds.

We got our relief check from the government.  $1200 each for Mike and me, $500 for Sarah, and Noah is in that age group that slipped through the cracks and got nothing.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Good post, Nut! And I don't mean the nut tastes good in the posterior.