Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 32's headlines

CEFCU's online banking system crashed because everyone was trying to find out if their government checks got deposited to their accounts.

Noah is working with Brad today and yesterday, putting a joist in an attic and moving walls around. He's thankful to be working. Still can't mow because of snow on the ground.

Governor Pritzker just announced that schools will be closed through the rest of the academic year.

Kathy took Marty to get tested for COVID-19 today.

Noah's end of the year banquet for his construction program got canceled.  Sad.

Walked over to the nest in the cold to check on Hannah and Cyrus.  They were both gone.  So were 10 of the eggs.  There were three cold ones left.  I brought one home to incubate, just in case.  Hannah was on the nest yesterday, so I don't know what happened between now and then.  There were no broken shells or signs of attack.  The nest was wet, like it had been snowed on.  She wouldn't have just abandoned them, would she?

This has not been my favorite day.

For posterity:

Dear Parents, students, and staff: I hope this message finds you and your families safe and well. Today, Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker announced that remote learning in Illinois will be extended through the end of the 2019-20 school year. Although in-person learning has been suspended for the remainder of the year, I assure you our entire staff remains committed to learning and engaging with all students through remote learning, as well as continuing with our food distribution program. Like you, we are saddened by the reality that our school community will not be able to reconvene in person this school year due to this public health crisis. So many of you have worked so hard to learn and grow in both the classroom and in extracurricular activities that today’s announcement may feel like a step back. However, the final chapter of this school year hasn’t been written yet. These past few weeks have proven our school community is more resilient, more capable, and more compassionate than maybe what we previously realized. I’m confident our collective strength will shine through during the remainder of the school year, and we will emerge even stronger. As this announcement was just made by Governor Pritzker this afternoon, it will take us a few days to sort out the many details, including picking up of materials, technology turn in, spring concerts, Prom, and Commencement. We will discuss some of these details at our April 21st Board meeting. I know this is not the school year that any of us imagined, but I want to thank you for your patience and understanding as we have dealt with this unprecedented situation together. This period of Remote Learning offers us new ways to learn and grow, and we will emerge stronger from what we have learned and experienced. Over the last few weeks, I have seen amazing work by our students and teachers as they navigate this new environment together! It’s important we continue to work to support our students. I can't thank you enough for all that you are doing as we all work together through this. Sincerely, Morton 709 Superintendent

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