Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 45

I decided to go back into stores.  Everybody else is doing it, and they're fine.  I had a list,  Mike's mom and sister gave me a list, Sarah gave me a list, and Noah and Mike each asked for a few things, so I went to Kroger and Costco this morning.
It took way longer than usual, because you can only go down each aisle one way, and you have to stay 6 feet away from everyone else, so  there's a lot of standing around, waiting for people to move.  Everyone was wearing masks, but we can still recognize each other.  I saw a few people I know that I haven't seen for weeks.  It's been a long time since I've seen people in person that I'm not related to.

 There are markings on the floor to show you where to stand,
 and reminders on the shelves so you don't get close to people.

I made the delivery to Mike's family, kids helped me haul all our stuff in, and then they had a virtual Kuk Sool Won class while I put everything away, unloaded the dishwasher, did a load of laundry, made a wonderful fruit salad.
Noah is off to mow a few yards, Sarah is doing school, and I'm suddenly overwhelmed by an inexplicable wave of irritation with everyone and everything, so I'm taking a quick jaunt to Paris in my mind to see the Eiffel Tower.

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