Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day...I don't know...what is it, 18?

First of all, an update on the duck nest. Mike and I walked over last night and Mama was gone, so I counted.  There are now 13 eggs in that little nest!  I'm so glad I found this treasure.  It's the highlight of my day to go over there and check the progress.  When I first found it, I was jealous that the nest wasn't at my house, but I've since seen the beauty of its placement two streets over, because it forces me to take a little walk every day.

Today I discovered the beauty of ordering supplies online for pickup at Walmart.  I was cleaning out my coupons and I found one for $10 off grocery pickup with a $50 minimum purchase.  There were a few things that weren't available, but I was able to get plenty of stuff.  Even though pickup is free, I would never normally use this service, but I'm very excited about it right now.  I will leave most of the stuff in my trunk for 3 days to allow any potential virus to die, and I'll sanitize the few things that need to be refrigerated or frozen right away. 

It's a beautiful day.  I'm going to get out there.

I bribed Sarah to go for a walk with me by telling her she could add some candy to our online Walmart order.  I think she enjoyed seeing Mama Duck on the nest too.  

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