This one started out bad and ended up good. I was disgruntled and unhappy this morning, but then I decided to try to find somewhere new to hike. I went way out to the northwest edge of town, bumbled onto a dirt road that turned out not to be a real road, almost got stuck in the mud, got a little bit lost, and ended up in some woods that I had never hiked before. I pretended to be Lewis and Clark. Our whale-watching expedition of a couple days ago gave me the idea to go on a new adventure within my own town every day until I run out of ideas, which should be about a week. Today I went to Niagara Falls.
Lots of pretty flowers and trees in the woods, and beautiful bird songs.
My poor car after almost getting stuck in the mud. I gave her a wash on the way home.
I rather unwisely crossed the creek on this log. I threw my phone and keys across to the other side before I crossed, in case I fell in the drink.
The Lord provided me a nice seat at the end of a long hike.
When I got home, Sarah and I spent the afternoon tie-dying.
Marty surpervised. |
When Noah got home from working all day with Brad, he tie dyed his pillowcase. |
We got this email today: Due to numerous scheduling changes for Senior’s final attendance day in your schools, we feel it is necessary to end our Construction WBL Program on May 1, 2020. Certificates of Completion for the WBL Program will be mailed to students
by June 1, 2020.
And the governor announced today that the stay-at-home order is extended through the end of May, and masks will be required when you go anywhere as of May 1.
Mike's dad got moved out of ICU into a regular room!
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