Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 48

Mike and Noah were going to go fishing but it started raining, so they decided to go to Menards to shop for a garage sink instead.  Sarah decided she wanted to go too.  I have mixed feelings about it.  I'm not sure it's the safest thing to do, but on the other hand, Sarah hasn't been anywhere for several weeks, and she is so stir crazy that she thinks sink shopping would be a fun outing.  She also needs the driving practice. I haven' t been alone in the house for weeks, and I admit it is wonderful. I'm not doing anything exciting (just working and listening to the rain on the roof), but knowing that I won't be interrupted while I'm doing it is priceless.

They weren't gone very long.  Absolutely every time I say something to Sarah anymore, she says, "What?" I decided to test her.  I spoke perfectly loudly and clearly like she's 99 years old, and asked her a simple question.
Sure enough, she said, "Huh?"
Me: There's no way you didn't hear me.
S: What?
Me: No.
S: No, what?
M: I'm done saying everything twice.
S: OK.  (goes back to what she was doing)

So clearly, there won't be any more communication between us.

Meanwhile, I took a trip to the Great Wall of China.
Mike and kids went fishing in Mackinaw.  More driving practice for Sarah.

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