Thursday, May 21, 2020

Day 66

I made pancakes this morning, because I was in the mood, and because I need to use up some of this canned fruit that's been coming in the school lunches lately.  I started with my usual base: oats, flax seeds, baking powder, and sea salt in the blender.  Added some canned pears and pineapples and a banana that's gotten overripe on the counter.  I added a little almond milk and enough water to get the consistency I wanted.  As they cooked, I added little pieces of canned peaches.  Of course I dipped them in bourbon maple syrup, which I consume recreationally.

One of them came out looking like a speech bubble, so I put it by an orange slice and imagined what the orange might be saying.  This quarantine might be making me even weirder than I usually am.

It's a perfect day for pulling weeds: cloudy, cool, soaked ground.  I spent a lot of time doing that, but there are still many more left to pull.  My baby beets are coming up in the window box:
I planted arugula today in another window box. Somebody was giving away this trellis on the next street over and was even kind enough to deliver it for me when it wouldn't fit in my van.
I planted morning glories on one side and will plant cucumbers on the other side.  The morning glories are the seeds I saved from the ones I planted at our old house on Lakeview Drive. Lots of memories of them growing on the trellis every summer we were there. Here's a picture of Sarah from 8/21/06 with them.
And an entry from my journal about them from April 16, 2008:
Noah and I were working in the garden this afternoon, and I asked him to thin the morning glory seedlings. While he was doing that, I was preparing the soil to plant the sunflower house. After a few minutes, I realized he wasn’t talking, which is very unusual, so I looked over at him and saw a tear going down his face. I asked him what was wrong, and he said, “It breaks my heart to pull out perfectly good plants. I mean, my head knows why I have to do it, but my heart just sinks.” I’ve always felt the same way, which is probably subconsciously why I asked him to do it in the first place. 

Just found out the gym is opening May 29th!

The vet just called today too and said they're reopening and made an appointment for Marty to get her shots next week.  Things are starting to come back.  Meanwhile, China is on lockdown again, because they're experiencing a second wave of the virus since they reopened.  There's a big controversy about whether it's beneficial or detrimental for healthy people to be wearing masks.  It's not optional in most places though.  Here's a sign of the times:

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