Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 52

Today they announced that the Morton Pool won't be opening this summer.

Yesterday, when Noah and I were leaving for our Bloomington trip, I asked him, "Do you have your phone, wallet, mask?"  He had forgotten his mask.  It's still very odd to me that I have to include that in my "Are we ready to go?" checklist.

For at least the last 10 years, Noah and Mike and I have had a tacit understanding in the kitchen.  When I'm cooking and one of them is around, if I hand them something, they know what to do with it.  If we're having a conversation and I hand them a can, they open it.  If I toss them a piece of garbage, they throw it away.  No need to interrupt the conversation.  Today Sarah was standing next to the garbage can doing nothing and I was making a fruit salad.  I tossed the empty grape bag to her and she dodged it and let it hit the floor.  Then she glanced at it, turned around, and left the room.

I took an imaginary trip to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Someone send Noah a shirt that made him happy.

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