Friday, May 8, 2020

Day 53

Today I will harvest my rhubarb and make a crumble, because there's a freeze coming tonight.

 This leaf was 20 inches across! I'm trying to think of a good use for the leaves.  Any ideas?
I threw in some strawberries and apples too.
I gave Noah a haircut today.  He's working 14 hours tomorrow, putting solar panels on a roof in Decatur.  

Today's imaginary trip was to Chincoteague Island to see the wild horses.  My parents were supposed to go there for real last month, but of course it got cancelled. 
 This wild horse was next to a wild cat!

I even saw a lighthouse!

In other news, Mike's dad is doing much better and might even get out of the hospital sometime soon and go to a nursing home for physical therapy.  Looks like I'm going  back to work at the Share Closet on May 29.  I got this email from my boss today: Due to COVID-19 the following procedures will be implemented:
1) Limit 10 customers in store
2) No children under age 16 (customers or volunteers)
3) Masks required (customers and volunteers)
4) We will be limiting shoppers to 30 minutes if there is a line
We will also be sanitizing carts in between customers.
A manager/volunteer will be stationed at the door to oversee these procedures.
Other steps we are taking to ensure everyone's safety:
Installing a Plexiglas shield for register 
Providing gloves and masks for volunteers. 


Tracey Baker said...

Rhubarb leaves are poisonous. Do not eat them!

Janes Family said...

No, I won't eat them, but it just seems like there should be some good use for them.