Sunday, May 17, 2020

Day 61

I picked up some zero gravity lawn chairs off the curb. Mike restrung them and now they are like new.  He and I  and Marty hung out in the garage, lounging in our new chairs and listening to good music from our generation.
Mike eventually moved my chair to the back yard because I'd rather hang out there than in the garage.  Here's a picture of our finch couple.  Thomas standing guard over Elle and the babies.
I went on an imaginary trip to see the Liberty Bell.
I used to shower and shave at the gym when I was going four times a week, but since it's been closed for more than 2 months, I haven't shaved (I did have to break down and shower though).  It's going to get pretty warm this week, and the fur on my legs is visible from more than 6 feet away, so I guess I'll have to shave.  I'm looking forward to getting back to the gym.

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