Friday, May 15, 2020

Day 60

This morning, as I was writing the date on the white board, I remembered that it's the day our baby was born 17 years ago.  I let myself remember everything about that day and have a good cry about it, and then I moved on.

My boss at The Share Closet opened the store for volunteers only.  We got to sign up for a time to shop, wearing face masks, only 10 people in the store at a time, and staying six feet away from everyone.  I got clothes for Mike, Noah, and Sarah and a few other odds and ends, including a new set of Corelle dishes for $3!  It's not the pattern I would have chosen, but beggars can't be choosers, and it's not hideous.  We all like Corelle better than the more expensive Pfaltzgraf, and we are down to one plate from my original set I bought when I was 23.  For the long version of that story, see:
This arrived for Noah today:

This afternoon I made a grocery run for BarKat and took an imaginary adventure to Stonehenge.  Apparently the stones have fallen down.
The finch nest now has five eggs in it, and Mike hung a mirror over it for me.  He's my hero.
Sarah finished her last school project today (the Constitution test) so she is out of school now and bored, and a bored Sarah is not a good thing.

There's still a shortage of paper products in the stores, and now there's a yeast shortage too.

Mike's dad had a blood transfusion yesterday to help with his oxygen levels, and the nurse said he had a good day today and was able to do physical therapy.  They're hoping for a release date of May 23, but will depend on how he does next week.

Noah mowed the yard and grilled burgers.  He's in a good mood.   I ate this beautiful salad:
Last night I had a dream that Mike and I were hiking in Colorado and we hiked to a restaurant right off the trail.  Our waitress brought Mike a milkshake with whole Girl Scout thin mint cookies stuck all over the top.  She told him it was on the house.  She brought me a small glass of water and said, "That's all you get, because I don't like your attitude."  I threw my water in her face, and she kicked us out.  We hiked around for awhile and then snuck in the other entrance and asked to be seated in the corner farthest away from where we were before.  Our waiter brought us an appetizer and water, and we ordered our food.  Then he came over and said we had to leave because our first waitress saw us and demanded we be kicked out.  I woke up then (4 a.m.) because Shiloh was pawing at my face, wanting to be petted.  I petted her until I dozed off again and dreamed that Mike did a load of laundry without using detergent, and I was mad that I had to rewash the whole load.
Then Shiloh woke me up again with her paw in my face asking for petting.  Eventually I went back to sleep and dreamed that I was working at CEFCU.  I have dreamed about that place so many times, and it's almost always a terrible, stressful time.  In this one, I was working at the reception desk, and there were lots of people waiting in line for me, and my phone kept ringing.  I answered it, and it was a member who wanted an application for Touch Tone Teller.  I thought the fastest way to dispatch her would be to transfer her to Telecenter.  Later, the Telecenter employee appeared in the lobby and gave the member a Touch Tone Teller application.  She glared and me, and I apologized for dumping the call on her and thanked her for handling it.  She snapped, "Well I didn't have any other choice, did I!" and stomped off.


Tracey Baker said...

Dollar General has package of 6 rolls of toilet paper for only $1.00. Very comparable to Charmin. They are soft & thick sheets. They also had paper towels. Brand is Smart & Simple.

Janes Family said...

Thanks for the tip, Tracey! I have yet to run out of paper products, but I check out the paper aisles just out of curiosity.