Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 75

I was looking up information about baby chickadees, and as I was reading this, I thought, "Mike and I are right on the cusp of this with our own kids!"

One by one, the young chickadees flap up to the entrance hole and flutter out to nearby branches and shrubs. Although they can now fly short distances, they remain dependent upon their parents for food. The adults continue feeding them, somehow keeping track of this constantly moving clan. After a couple of weeks, the young birds have learned to find food on their own. They either fly away from their parents for good or are purposely left behind by them. Adults at this point require time to regain strength lost from the energy-intensive task of raising young.

I got an email from Min Jong, our Korean friend.  He said, "I pray every day that the Mike family will not affect Corona 19."  
His translations always make me laugh, as I'm sure my pitiful Korean makes him laugh.  That's why we had so much fun together while we were in Korea.

Kuk Sool Won is reopening on Monday, with lots and lots of new rules:
Covid-19 Participation waiver must be completed for each student to attend classes. Please click the link at the end of this information to complete the waiver online.
To open the Academy to you for training requires assurances from us as Academy Owners - and you as Students/Supporters of the Academy.
Kuk Sool Won of Pekin gives you the following assurances for your safety: -
1. Social distancing will be maintained, and 6-foot markers will be indicated where necessary
2. There will be arrangements made for entrance and exits to the building to ensure no bottlenecks
3. The Academy and any equipment used will be thoroughly cleaned after each class
4. Use of communal areas such as the front foyer will be restricted
5. Strict hygiene habits will be in operation at all times with hand washing/sanitizing required on entry to the building.
6. Temperature checks will be conducted on entry to the building. Students with a temperature of 100.4 will be no allowed in the Academy
7. Classes will continue to be transmitted on Zoom for those that prefer to train at home
Students/Supporters must give the following assurances for the safety of themselves and others: -
1. No community water cooler is available during this time. All students must bring their own water.
2. Students must be dressed for class when entering the building
3. We may at times have outdoor training, please bring proper shoes.
4. Each student should bring a bag to put all their personal belongings in.
5. Maintain the practices of social distancing at all times and not just in the Academy- remember Covid-19 can be picked up anywhere.
6. Keep your uniform well laundered and maintain your own personal hygiene. If a student’s uniform is visibly dirty – they will not be able to participate in class.
7. Students should wait in the car until it is time to enter the building for their class.
8. Parents/guardians will be required to wait outside the Academy or in their cars. We are utilizing the “parent seating area” as additional training space.
9. Students will enter the building through the front door and exit through the side door. Please pick your student up from the side door and exit by the garage.
10. Do not come to the Academy if you feel sick or overly fatigued. If a student has a runny nose or cough, they will not be allowed to participate in class. We cannot accept allergies as a reason for a runny nose.
11. Should you have any contact with someone with Covid-19, or someone who has had contact with Covid-19 in any way, do NOT come to the Academy
12. Inform us immediately if you have been in the Academy and since learned you have been in contact in anyway with a person who has Covid-19
13. If you travel / vacation to anywhere designated as having ongoing transmission of Covid-19, a 14 day “stay away” is required to return to class.
14. Students are welcome to wear masks or socks while training however it will not be mandatory.

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