Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Day 71

I was having a nice peaceful day until it was shattered by the individual arrival of my family members within 5 minutes of each other.  Sarah finally emerged from her room after 18 hours (she's depressed and feeling useless with nothing to do) and spilled a can of tomato sauce.
I helped her clean it up, because it was partly my fault since I left the open can on the counter as part of my dinner prep.  Two minutes later, Noah got home from working with Brad, looking like this:
because he had been digging fence post holes all day.
He got a bowl a popcorn and headed out to finish mowing at his grandparents'.  While he was putting his shoes on, Marty stepped in the popcorn bowl and did this:
Within a minute of that, Mike pulled in.  He'd left early to beat the rain because he rode his motorcycle.  I greeted him with, "If you make a mess, I will freaking kill you!"  Sarah said, "Oh, you have to blog that, Mom.  Middle aged moms across the world will want to read that."  I guess that's who she thinks my audience is.  :)

Our first baby finch just hatched!

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